The Empower4DigiLine Leaflet is out!


We are very glad to share with you the official Empower4DigiLine leaflet! It is a promotional pdf to be shared with all your contacts, click here and download it. The project was born to help language teachers in the adult education sector further develop their digital competences, and to make use of new technologies in […]

Artificial Intelligence tools in language teaching


In our project Empower4digi we will focus, among other interesting topics, on the use of AI in language teaching. AI tools can be simpler than you might think, and there is a chance you are already using some without even realizing. Let’s take a look at some of the most well-known ones. Looking into easy […]

Have your say: Contribute to the International Report


The Empower4DigiLinE aims to enhance digital competencies in language education, particularly in the post-Covid education landscape.  The main objectives include: The first tangible result of the project is the development of an International report, which will provide information about how teaching has changed since Covid (where is teaching taking place, how are teachers interacting with learners […]