Discover the Report realised within the project

The Erasmus+ project Empower4DigiLine, implemented by a partnership of organisations from Austria, Italy, Greece, Finland and Spain, aims to enhance the digital competences of language teachers in the adult education sector, with a focus on inclusion, accessibility and the use of new technologies, with a specific focus on artificial intelligence (AI) tools for teaching.
This Policy Report represents the result of a series of research activities carried out between January and June 2024, aimed at assessing the current state of teachers’ digital competences in partner countries, with a specific focus on areas 4 (Assessment), 5 (Learner Empowerment) and 6 (Facilitation of Digital Competence Development) of the DigCompEdu framework.
The report aims to initiate a broad debate on the importance of such competences in the context of language education and to provide recommendations and guidelines to support and further develop educators’ digital competences, contributing to the improvement of inclusiveness and effectiveness in language teaching.

Read the full report in English now or have a look at the summary report!